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Baston C of E Primary School

Baston C of E Primary School

“Preparing the way…”


                           Sports 2021-2022

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed cricket with Miss Hill


Footballv Linchfield

Football verses WH

Cross Country

Netball success

Cross Country in Spalding today (25th January). Individual brilliant achievements, 2 second places and a third. First place for the boys and first place for the school. Absolutely amazing results. Well done team.


Our first competition in a long time. A great day at POSH training ground. 18 teams were competing,  and we made it to the semifinals. Great job 👏🏻 

                               Sports 2019-2020

Our first event again is the start of our netball league. Once again, we have entered two teams. Our first match was against DSJ at home. Our Yellow Team won 6-3 and our Reds 4-1. Brilliant effort from both teams.  Next week, William H at home. 

Against Will H our Reds won 5-2. Unfortunately, our Yellows lost 8-3, but did put up a good fight!   

Lizzie Simmonds, Olympic swimmer, visited school to talk about her achievements and to answer our questions.


Our netball league has been continuing over the course of the last few weeks. At the moment our red team are undefeated. Our yellows are playing well and improving each week; they will definitely be the ones to watch next year!       

Our Year 3/4 football team travelled to Holbeach last week to take part in a tournament. Both teams played well, however didn't reach medal positions.

Our netballers travelled to MDCP on Tuesday. Our reds beat them 4-0, however our yellows lost 4-1. One more match of the league to go.

Sam Ruddock visited KS2 to talk about his career; his new cycling training and the importance of healthy living.


Our Y5/6 football teams travelled to MDCP to take part in the Agilitas tournament. Both teams played well and came 3rd and 4th overall.


Our KS2 swimming squad travelled to The Deepings leisure centre. Two individual golds (Eren and Isobel) and two team trophies. Well done to everyone!

Our red netball team have won the cluster league and were presented with their medals and trophy today. Our new kit has arrived which we will be wearing at the tournament in January. A special mention to Evie who has been successful at county trials in Grantham this week.

Check out our new netball kit...


Our Y5/6 Girls Football Team travelled to Holbeach to play in a tournament and were placed third overall - go girls!

The football league started this week and MDCP came to play at Baston. Our A team lost 7-1 and our B team lost 1-0, great performances by everyone but MDCP were just a little bit better than us on the day.

Netball tournament today and our players played brilliantly. Our B team came 5th and our A team came first-whoop whoop!





Our football teams travelled to Surfleet to play in a tournament. Our B team made it to their group's semi-finals and our A team got knocked out of their group by penalties. Mrs Parkin and Mrs Bush reported that both teams represented the school well.


The football  league continued this week with away games at DSJ. Our A team lost 2-1 and our B team won 3-1.

Our girls football team travelled to Surfleet on Tuesday and came 5th overall. Well done girls!


Our gymnastic squad took part in the annual competition in Grantham. Our A and B teams came joint first. Mrs Porteus was extremely proud with all of the girls and was happy to bring the trophy back to Baston.

We took part in the annual cluster Cross Country event at Glebe Park in Market Deeping. Evie came first in the Y5/6  girls race, Ollie 2nd in Y5/6 boys race, Evie 1st in Y3/4 girls race, Scarlet 2nd and all of our runners did amazingly well. Overall, Baston came 1st! Well done everyone :)

Our A football team played against William H on Tuesday at home and won 5-2, a hat trick by Jesse. Well done to all of the team, especially Toby who stood in as goalie in the second half.

Our last football match of the league took place on Tuesday at home against Linchfield. The final result was 3-0 to us! Well played everyone.

Two Y6 lacrosse teams competed in an Agilitas competition today. Overall they came 1st and 3rd :) :) The first team should qualify for county playoffs.

Third place team...



Our girls football team played at MDCP on Wednesday and although they only let in 3 goals they came joint fourth. Mrs Parkin said that all of the team played well and that there wasn't much difference in the skill of all of the teams involved.

                               Sports 2018-2019

First sporting event of  this year- our two netball teams beat MDCP 7-1 and 5-0, excellent results and great performances from everyone.

This week William Hilldyard came to play both teams. Our blue team beat them 7-4; our red team fought valiantly and pulled back from a 4-1 half time score to be 5-5 2mins before the end, however the opposition scored in the last minute to beat us 5-6. Amazing netball and very tense!

Our Y6 footballers went to Holbeach on Tuesday; they didn't qualify for the gold cup but went on to try to win the silver trophy. They played brilliantly as a team and lost in the final on penalties.


Girls turn this week, they also went through to the silver cup and came first, which gave them an overall position of 4th- well done!


We have also had a couple of netball matches against Linchfield, the reds won 9-0 and the blues 6-1.

We have now played all of our netball matches and are just waiting for the other schools to play all of theirs so that we can collate the overall results. Baston Blues beat Baston Reds 4-2 - it was very close!

This week 24 swimmers took part in the Cluster Gala. Our Y5/6 Boys won overall and we also saw some splendid performances from individuals.


Our Year 4 footballers travelled to Holbeach to play in a tournament against other schools in the area. I am extremely proud to announce that they were the overall winners! Look at the size of the trophy they brought back!


In our netball league both of our teams have done amazingly well. Baston Blues came first, with Reds coming second.


Our cluster netball tournament took place this week here at Baston. Seven teams took part and our Red and Blue teams won all of their matches and met in the final! Baston Reds won the match 2-1 and claimed the trophy! Baston Blues were well deserved runners up.

  Baston Blues 2nd Place Baston Reds Winners

          Our gymnastic team travelled to Grantham on Tuesday and managed to secure bringing the trophy home! First and forth place was achieved - well done. Individual trophies were won by Georgia and Henry.


Cross Country was held at the park in Market Deeping and our pupils performed extremely well. Georgia H came 2nd in the Y3/4 girls race; Ollie D 1st, Olin 3rd - Y3/4 Boys came first overall. Mollie 2nd Y5/6 girls; Louis 1st, Ben 3rd Y5/6 boys. Great performances by everyone. 



Our Y6 Football Squad travelled to DSJ to play in the annual cluster tournament. We lost one, drew two and won one (the overall winners!). Well played to all of the team.



   Our girls took part in the cluster football tournament...and WON! Go girls!


Track events at Langtoft; we won lots of medals. Great performances by everyone. First and second place in Boys 800m for Louis and Ben :)

Our Y6 Cricket Squad played at MDCP and although not fully experienced in the game did us proud and we watched their skills improve over the afternoon.                     


                    Our rounders team took part in a tournament at DSJ and performed well, drawing one, winning one and losing two. We came forth overall, however the last three teams were extremely close.  The whole school took part in the Inspire + mass participation on Monday.



Sports 2017-2018

A fantastic start to the year at Cross Country. 1st place for Y5/6 boys, 2nd place for Y5/6 girls and Y3/4 boys and fifth plave for Y3/4 girls. A special mention for Evie Frost who came first in the Y3/4 girls 1000m.

Tag Rugby Year 3/4 Festival today at Bourne Rugby Club-a great time had by all. All schools were mixed so that everyone experienced playing with someone different.

Shona McCallin dropped in to give an assembly on how to deal with stress and pressure. KS2 thoroughly enjoyed meeting Shona again and her message was clear for us all to understand.


Our Year 5/6 football teams went out to represent the school on Wednesday. They did a grand job and were great ambassadors for our school. Unfortunately, we didn't come in the top three, but thoroughly enjoyed the chance to play football all day!


Our netball league for The Deepings cluster has started this week. Both A and B teams have won all of their matches so far. A great start to the league.

Ben Smith-401 Marathon Man came to share his ideas for his new challenge, running from San Francisco to New York in 38 days! We loved his visit and asked lots of questions!

A busy week for sports which started with Girls Football. A great effort ending 4th in the tournament.

On a freezing cold Wednesday afternoon this week 2 teams battled against 4 other teams at Baston. Unfortunately, we finished 5th and 6th, however a great attempt was made by both teams.


Our netball league has finished and I am pleased to say that Baston A and Baston B had to play each other for first and second place in the overall results table. It was a nailbiting match, but the B team triumphed 3-2 after a last minute goal. I am proud of both teams and their performances over the last five weeks. The last match against each other was definitely the hardest for them both. Well done everyone! No photos as I was umpiring throughout, but I promise to get a picture of both of the brilliant squads.

Jonathan Broom Edwards paid us a visit to talk about his success and his future ventures...

Our Y5/6 Football team played in a mini tournament at Linchfield on Friday. The girls put on a great performance and did us proud. Lily only let in one goal in both matches. Well done girls!

This term the Cross Country has been postponed due to the snow-we are hoping it will be rescheduled to April. Our Y5/6 football teams played DSJ, the A Team lost 1-0 and the B Team drew 4-4. Well done boys.

Our Y3/4 Tag Rugby teams played well on Wednesday 14th March here at school and the A team came in as Runners Up after a well fought final which ended in a draw, so the overall winner had to be decided on tries.

Toby Bush has won a bronze medal skiing in Italy representing the school-brilliant work Toby!


This week 16 Year 4's went to Deeping Astro to take part in a hockey festival with Mrs Oakley. Skills were taught in the morning and schools were mixed in the afternoon and played matches against each other. A great day was had by all and new techniques learnt.


Our Two netball teams competed in a tournament on the afternoon today (23rd March). We played against Linchfield A & B and William Hildyard A & B. Baston teams met in the final and Baston Blues won overall with Reds taking second place. Amazing performances by both teams, especially the shooters.


We have been playing a few football Y5/6 inter school matches recently; our A and B teams have played against DSJ, Linchfield and MDCP to date. Great performances played by all, not successful on the score card, but on team spirit most definitely!

Our Y3/4 team played against MDCP on Tuesday and held a 4-4 draw. On the same evening our Y5/6 girls beat MDCP 2-0-way to go girls!

                     Sports News 2016-2017 

What a great start to the year; 20 KS2 children competed at Spalding Grammar School in the annual Agilitas Competition. We entered extremely late, however that didn't stop our Year 3/4 coming first and Y5/6 boys coming second. A very special mention to Isabel Philby who came first in the Year 5/6 girls race.

Representatives from KS2 took part in the annual Swimming Gala at The Deepings. Everyone swam well, especially Kaitlyn Harrison and the Y3/4 boys relay team picking up gold medals.

Carl Blackman came into school to teach sitting volleyball and boccia to Years 1 and 2. An afternoon enjoyed by all!



Amazing first place at the Girl's Football Tournament today-fabulous work girl!

Two teams represented Baston at the Elite Football Tournament on 11/11/16 at Pinchbeck. Our A team came 2nd and our B team came first in the plate final. Well played to everyone involved.

Our football team entered the Agilitas Football Comp today (22/11/16) and came first; well done team!

The netball has 'kicked off' to a great start. We are hosting all of the league matches and played DSJ and William Hildyard this week. We won both matches 9-0 and 6-0. Brilliant work team!

2 more matches next week as well as the Small School County Football Finals in Skegness on Saturday 28th.

Also, 16 children from Years 3/4 will be out at a festival on Wednesday.

Week 2 of the netball league and we beat Langtoft 7-0 and MDCP 13-1-amazing results!

Hockey got postponed due to bad weather and will be rescheduled on 8th Feb. Our footballers will take part in the County Finals in Wainfleet tomorrow.

                        County Champions!!!!!!

   Absolutely fantastic result, well deserved too! :)


21 children travelled to Spalding on Tuesday 31st January. 3 teams took part in the annual netball tournament organised by Agilitas. 27 teams took part and we cam 3rd, 7th and 10th. Well done to all children who took part-well played!

8 girls travelled to Skegness on Saturday 4th February to take part in the County Finals. We won our group and went onto the semi-finals where we lost 1-0. We then had a play off for 3rd and 4th place and lost 1-0. The girls played well and all tried their best. A fantastic result at County level.

We have just played our final and fifth match of the Deepings Cluster Netball League. We have won all of our matches meaning that we are the overall league winners. There are still 3 matches to play, so we are unable to celebrate at the moment!

Two great hockey days at the Deepings Astroturf for a selection of Year 5/6 children followed by Year 3/4. This was a great opportunity to improve hockey skills and have a mini-tournament at the end of the day. Mixed teams with other schools; a good way to make new friends. Thank you to Mrs Oakley for organising two fabulous days.

Our gymnastic squad went to Huntingtower in Grantham to compete and we came first and third. The individual overall winner of the whole competition was Molly with Niamh and Emily coming joint second. Well done everyone!

Year 6 performed their 'Advance' dance at South Holland District Centre. We were invited to perform next week in Lincoln at the Arts Festival, but due to weekend commitments by at least 50% of the class we have had to decline! We had a great time and loved performing to an audience (twice).


Over the past five weeks we have held the Deepings Cluster Netball League here at Baston. Out team played brilliantly and having won all five matches are overall champions!

On Saturday 18th March the football squad travelled to Nottingham to take part in the Regional Finals. We were top of our division as we won four matches and drew one. We then won our semi and continued on to the final. Unfortunately, we lost 1-0 as Buxworth scored in the last 30 seconds of the match. However, this means that as Runners Up we qualify for National Finals. Congratulations to all of the squad and their families.

Deepings Cluster Netball Tournament winners!!! Baston A beat Linchfield B and DSJ in their group. Then went on to beat MDCP in the semi-final and finally beating Linchfield A in the final :) Baston B did a good job too getting their first taster of match play to prepare for next year.

Coming up in Terms 5&6...

National Football Finals at Stoke City on 20th May, Year 3/4 Football Tournament in Spalding, Year 5/6 Cluster Football Tournament at Linchfield, Sports Week, Cricket Festival (Baston), Tag Rugby Festival (Baston), Outdoor Athletics at Langtoft, Rounders Festival at DSJ. This page will be updated with pictures and results!

Another successful day on the football pitch at the cluster tournament-a tournament for the A team and one for the B team. We came first in both tournaments-fabulous performances by all.

This week Year 4 have been out playing Tri-Golf, Year 5/6 football A and B teams won the Cluster Tournaments held at Linchfield, Year 3/4  A and B football teams played at Holbeach-The A team won the silver cup league. We have finished the week at Stoke City football ground with our A team winning their group, winning their semi-final but losing 2-0 during extra time in the final. Brilliant results!

Our final term has started well with a win at the cluster cricket tournament at The Deeping Cricket Club! Well done squad-now onto Spalding on 20th June to try to qualify for county finals...

A great day at athletics...


 We have been very busy on the sports front over the past few days... Y4 cricket, Y6 Cricket playoffs, Y6 Rounders, Mini Olympics Y4 at Grantham with Inspire Plus. Our football squad were presented with hoodies provided by Mr Philby too!

We've started the week by playing two teams in a rugby festival hosted here at Baston. Three schools entered with a total of six teams-we came 1st and 2nd!


Sports News 2015-2016

What a great start to the year we have had. The Cross Country Squad did amazingly well. The Year 5/6 Boys came 1st along with the Year 3/4 Boys Squad. The Year 5/6 Girls came 3rd and Year 3/4 Girls 4th. Brilliant work, well done everyone!


Our first football success of the year-3 weeks of matches, 4 wins and 1 draw left us in joint first position, but we won on goal difference. Well done boys!



Over the last 2 weeks our football team have been out and about representing the school admirably. They took part in a tournament at Pinchbeck United and made the Quarter Finals. They then competed in the Deeping tournament where they came 3rd-great performances by all.

Year 4 have had coaching in their PE lessons by a dance specialist and have attempted many various dances from around the world to fit in with their topic.

All of the KS2 girls had a visit from Sophie Allen, Olympic swimmer on the last day of term. She led an assembly on women in sport and followed with a team building exercise for all of the girls to take part in.

Our swimming squad did magnificently well at The Deeping Swimming Gala. Alex Jungmann and Kaitlyn Harrison achieved first place in their races receiving gold medals. The entire squad did well in their heats and in the relays too. Well done everyone!

Our Year 3/4 Football team ventured out to Spalding this week and competed in the large school heats. We won all of our games in our heat and went onto the semis and final. Overall we finished in second place-well done boys :)

We've had a quiet term so far. This week Sophie Allen returned to deliver her second session to a selection of Year 3/4 pupils from across the cluster. Always an enjoyable time for all concerned.

This week our Year 5/6 athletic squad will be competing at The Deepings, here's wishing them 'Good Luck'!

A brilliant performance by our athletics squad on Tuesday 8th December. We came 3rd overall. The boys did particularly well earning quite a few gold medals!


Last week we had a visit from Sam Ruddock, who told us all about his journey to be prepared for the Paralympics in Rio in September.

This week two teams went to The Deepings to compete in a hockey tournament. There were 16 teams in total and we finished in 5th and 13th positions. Well done to all involved. It was a cold and windy day and Mrs Townsend reported back that all of the children played well, their game play improved tremendously throughout the day.


During the last week of term our Year 5/6 netbpall teams went out to Spalding to represent the school. Both teams played brilliantly and their skills improved throughout the day. Our B team were in a pool with most of the A teams, so had some some matches. They won two and lost 2 placing them 4th in their pool. The A team won 3 matches and drew one which put them in first position. They beat Thurlby A in the semi finals but lost narrowly in the final. An excellent day of netball! A big thank you to the parents who came along to support our teams.


Miss Newbold took 8 Year 3/4 children to compete in a gymnastic competition in Grantham on Wednesday. This was the first time our school has entered this competition, so we were unsure of what to expect. The children did well and the A squad came 4th overall. Hopefully we will be able to enter the gymnastics again now that we've dipped our toes in the water!

A fantastic start to the Term for our wonderful Year 6 dancers. We travelled to the South Holland Centre in Spalding to perform our Conflict dance and came first! This provided us with the opportunity to represent the South East region of the county. However this is taking place on Mothering Sunday-a very important date in the church calendar. Unfortunately a number of our children would be unable to make this day, so we have decided not to attend. I am sure you will all agree that our Year 6's have represented the school magnificently this year and have done us all proud in their dancing achievements to date!


We have been taking part in the netball league at The Deepings for the last two weeks. Both A and B teams have only lost one match so far; each to Langtoft A. The final matches will take place this Tuesday, 15th March, where we will face each other too!

Sarah Outen visited school and delivered a truly inspirational Collective Worship about her life as an adventurer. We were all really interested in her stories and hope that one day we too may be able to be as brave as her.

The last week of the netball league took place today, 15th March. Extremely proud of both A and B teams placed 2nd and 3rd. Well done :) Tournament next Tuesday at The Deepings 1-3pm.


We have finished this week by raising money for Sport Relief. Every child has been encouraged to run or walk a mile. The event was organised by our School Council who did a brilliant job of mapping the circuit and serving refreshments.


The annual netball tournament took place at The Deepings today, 22nd March. Both A and B teams played brilliant netball which resulted in 1st and 2nd places. A great way to end the netball season.


A good start to the Summer Term with our Year 3/4 football squad representing the school at Pinchbeck. The boys played brilliantly and ended up in 3rd place out of about 14 teams.

Also coming up this term will be Kwik Cricket, Rounders and Athletics all to be held at The Deepings.

 Young Muckers, past and present...sorry if I didn't catch you all!


I apologise for anyone I've missed...Will Hartley was too busy doing a T-Shirt ripping off that I missed a shot!

Sports Week-very busy! Streetdance, Dodgeball, Gymnastics, Boccia, Archery, Skipping, Hoola-Hooping, Cheerleading and Sports Day!!! Phew!! Thank goodness it's half term!

We've also taken part in a cricket festival and came-1st!!! Well done to the squad, brilliant result!




We have attended the track and field events at The Deepings over the last week. We did well getting first and third in the year 6 boys 800m, second in the Year 6 girls 800m, 2nd in Y5 boys relay, bronze in the year 3 90m sprint, gold and silver in the high jump. 

Year 4 have also been out and about-they came 2nd at the Tri-Golf in Spalding and also the whole class went to Grantham to attend the Mini Olympics.

Year 6 went to DSJ to take part in the annual Rounders Tournament-we came a worthy second to DSJ.



What a great start to this academic year we have had, we have become members with Inspire Plus and have already received many benefits from the provision they offer, one being a visit from Paralympian, Sam Ruddock.

Our football team played in a tournament over 3 weeks in our cluster group at The Deepings School. They all performed magnificently well and came out 3rd overall. Next, they went to a tournament in Spalding and secured 2nd place. Well done boys! Just before Christmas we had delivery of our new kit, we are looking forward to our next fixture (in January 2015) when we will be able to wear it.

We have also represented the school in a Year 6 Tag Rugby Festival, it was a very cold day, we managed to win two matches, but lost two, which meant we didn't get into the next round. The team played well and with each new game their strategies and skills were improving and they were working well together.

24 children from Years 3-6 went to Deeping Swimming Pool to take part in a local gala. There were great individual performances and the Year 3/4 Medley Relay gained first place.

Unfortunately the Cross Country event has been postponed twice but has been rescheduled for February, fingers crossed!

Also coming up in Terms 3 and 4...Indoor Athletics, Year 5/6 Mixed Football (resceduled), Quicksticks, Netball and Cross Country.

On 14th January the football team travelled to Gleed Grammar School to compete in a tournament against 15 other schools, Adam Squires has written a match report...

The football tournament started by the team getting on the coach and singing alot of songs to get everyone pumped up for the day ahead! The first team played very well (we managed to beat them) and we won the next two games also. We drew the following two games which meant that we won our group and went throughto the semi-finals. This was one of our hardest matches we have ever played, our opponents sent a through-ball past our defence and the striker tapped it in. We played really well, but Thurlby just knocked us out of the semis and went on to win the overall tournament. Overall we came third and are very proud of our performance and our bronze medals.


Forthcoming fixtures...Cluster Indoor Athletics is on 20th January at Market Deeping, Quick Sticks 3rd February, Local Indoor Athletics 4th February, Netball Tournament 10th February and Cross Country 24th February...we will keep you updated on our results!

Our athletic squad took part in the annual cluster festival today, 20th January, they competed well and did us all proud. Terrific individual performances by Callum Yates, first overall in javellin and Katie Callcut in Long Jump.



12 of our children took part in the area Indoor Athletics Competition today (4/4/15) at Bourne Grammar, we did amazingly well and came 1st for the small schools in our area, I am hoping that this means we should qualify for the County Finals in Grantham in March - I am awaiting confirmation from Agilitas.

On a cold Wednesday 14 children took part in the Spalding Netball Festival run by Agilitas. Both teams played magnificently and managed to make the finals. After a nail-biting 14 minutes, Team Olympia beat Team Ruby and won the overall tournament for Small Schools. To qualify for the County Finals they had to play the runners-up from the Large Schools, Linchfield. After another gruelling 14minutes of brilliant netball Baston won! We are now on our way to compete in Grantham on Wednesday 4th March :)

Update on the athletics...we will compete at The Meres, Grantham on Friday 6th March in the morning, times to be confirmed. Any support would be greatly appreciated for both of the County events.

A report from Tilly on Change For Life Club:

Every Friday at 2.30pm four Inspire Plus Bronze Ambassadors(Harry, Ruby, Katie and me) run a club for 10 Year 3/4's. Our aim is to inspire children to be more active and begin to enjoy sport. Each child has their own booklet and wristband, the booklet includes a huge range of sporting activities for the children to enjoy in their spare time. We enjoy running the club as we want the younger children in school to

enjoy sport as much as we do!


Another great day for our sporting Superstars at Baston, first off Cross Country (eventually!), great team performances by our Year 3/4 Boys and Year 5/6 Boys gaining bronze places overall. Individual amazing achievements for Isabel Philby, Katie Callcut and Alice Griffin also.

Both netball teams visited The Deepings for our cluster tournament, we had to play each other in our first game and drew, both teams went onto play two more games, both teams winning, demonstrating some great skills and team spirit.

Another exciting week for our children at Baston, another 5 matches played and won at The Deepings in round two of the cluster tournament, one more week to go on 17th March, fingers crossed for both teams!

Seven children represented our school at the County Netball Finals in Grantham on Wednesday-we performed really well and played some fantastic netball, we finshed 3rd in our group. We were against some great competition and our game play improved by playing against teams of a very high standard.




On Friday (6th) 12 children visited Grantham to compete in the Indoor Athletics Small School County competition. Mrs Townsend and Mrs Willis reported that the squad gave it 'their all' and did us proud. An event that is highly competitive, we finsihed in sixth place in the whole of the County-well done!

Mike Hale, Change For Life coordinator, visited the school to observe our ambassadors in action doing the Change for Life Club, he commented on what a fantastic job they were doing in leading and organising the club.

Success for netball teams last night, Tuesday 17th March, 1st place for Team A and 4th place for Team B-another trophy for our 'cabinet'.

Our Year 6 Girl's Football Team travelled to Boston today, 17thApril, to compete in an inter schools tournament, They won one match, drew two and lost one. They finished joint 2nd in their group, but failed to go through to the next round on goal difference. Well done girls, you did Baston proud!  A special thank-you to Mr Callcut who agreed to referee for us, but was not needed on arrival!

Congratulations to the Year 3/4 Football Team-overall winners in their tournament on Tuesday.

Baston Young Muckers at Burghley, Stamford-well done to all who competed, missed a few of you, sorry! Well done Alex and Jacob, joint first in their group :)


Our Kwik Cricket did amazingly well on Tuesday 21st May at The Deepings School, three teams took part and we came second despite little practice due to bad weather and SATs-well done boys!

Some of us have attended a practice session at The Deepings to prepare us for the Field Events in a few weeks. We will also be entering the Track Events during the same week. The Girls Cricket team are currently busy preparing for their tournament next week.

Coming up this Term: Rounders festival, Y5/6 and Y3/4 athletics with Agilitas and of course Sports Day!

Our Year 6 Girl's Kwik cricket Team went to a tournament in Spalding on Wednesday with Miss Nunn and Mrs Adams. They all played well and managed to secure a win in their final match. They are now ready to take on the boys in an intra school match!

This week (w/c 15/6/15) Field and Track events at The Deepings, I'll keep you updated!

Magnificent performances today by all members of the squad. First place for Katie in the Long Jump and joint third for Ruby and Alice in the High Jump.

A gold medal for each of our Year 6 Girl's Relay team :)

A silver for Katie in the Year 6 Girl's Sprint, a bronze also for this talented young lady in the 800m race.

A bronze for Bayley in the Year 4 Boy's Sprint, well done!

What an exciting week! We have tried skateboarding, curling, fencing, boxercise, cheerleading, hula-hooping. We have all had great fun whilst doing all of these activities. Also the Year 6's have competed in a rounders tournament in Spalding, but failed to qualify for the next round, but we tried our best!

Sports Week ended with our annual Sports Day where all children participated in team and individual sporting challenges that incorporated the 4 fundamental skills required to be mastered by primary aged children with a competitive edge too. We hope you all had a great time!

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  • 25/01/17

    Young Ambassadors

    Our Year 6 Young Sports Ambassadors learning about this year's Legacy Challenge
    Read Full Story

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