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Baston C of E Primary School

Baston C of E Primary School

“Preparing the way…”

Knex Challenge - KS2

Our winning KS2 children who took part in our annual K'nex Challenge, together with EBP Ambassadors, Julian Gray, Mike Hyatt and Phil Warren.

Each year, during SATs week, our KS2 children take part in a challenge to design and construct a piece of engineering from K'nex pieces.  The challenge is organised annually by the Lincolnshire & Rutland Education Business Partnership who provide the kits and Ambassadors to lead the event at school.  The activity provides pupils with an excellent opportunity to develop team working, problems solving and communication skills, as well as a great introduction to engineering and technology. 

The theme for this year was to design and construct a trebuchet/catapult machine.  This was inspired by the great trebuchet named Warwolf which successfully concluded the siege of the Stirling Castle in 1304. For this challenge, pupils were tasked with designing and constructing a trebuchet/catapult machine capable of firing a mint imperial to a fixed target!

The winning team was Pacha Steen and Violet Griffin for their most successful construction and who were awarded medals by the Ambassadors, Phil Warren, Julian Gray and Mike Hyatt.