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Baston C of E Primary School

Baston C of E Primary School

“Preparing the way…”


The Importance of School Attendance

We want our children at The Grove Primary School to enjoy coming to school. Our attendance ‘floor target’ is 96%, but we hope for 100%.

Research has proven that there is a high correlation between school attendance and academic performance and success.

Absence from school is often the greatest single cause of poor performance and achievement. 

Why is it so important to attend every day?

  1. Learning is a progressive activity; each day’s lessons build upon those of the previous day(s).
  2. Reading the material and completing work independently does not compensate for direct interaction with the teacher.
  3. Many classes use discussions, demonstrations, experiments and participation as part of the daily learning activities, and these cannot be made up by those who are absent.

Are there other benefits to my child? 

  1. Pupils with good attendance records generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school more.
  2. Having a good education will help to give your child the best possible start in life.
  3. Regular school attendance patterns encourage the development of other responsible patterns of behaviour.

What are the risks of frequent absences?

  1. A child who does not attend school regularly will be unlikely to keep up with the work.
  2. The more pupils miss school, the lower their grades; the lower their grades, the less they want to stay in school.

What can parents do to help?

  1. Parents must model the value of education, including the importance of regular attendance.
  2. Make sure that your child goes to school regularly and arrives on time-you will establish a good habit that they will carry through life.
  3. If your child starts missing school, work with the school to put things right. Make sure your child understands that you do not approve of him/her missing school.
  4. If your child is ill or must miss school for some other reason, contact school immediately. If you ask for homelearning, make sure your child completes it.
  5. Do not expect school to approve of shopping trips, birthday treats etc. during school hours. Arrange family holidays so that your child will not miss any learning.
  6. Take an interest in your child’s school work and be involved in the school as much as possible-your child will value school more if you do.
  7. Use the exclusion table to check for any illness that could affect attendance

Leave of Absence in Term Time

From 1st September 2013, a change to government legislation means that schools are no longer allowed to authorise requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.

Requests for leave can only be granted by schools if there are “exceptional circumstances” and  holidays are not considered exceptional. Requests for leave must be made to the head teacher in advance, as the Department for Education has told schools that they cannot authorise any absences after they have been taken.

A penalty notice is a fine to parents or carers if they fail to ensure that their child/ren attend  school regularly.