The Bason CE Primary School curriculum is designed with a commitment to academic excellence, aiming to ensure that our students receive a high-quality education that not only meets the National Curriculum expectations but also integrates Christian values into all subjects, fostering critical thinking and a genuine love for learning. We place a strong emphasis on nurturing the spiritual and academic growth of our students, aiming to provide opportunities for them to deepen their faith and develop a personal relationship with God and instill moral and ethical values firmly rooted in Christian teachings. Furthermore, we strive to pursue character development, aiming to mold well-rounded individuals who embody traits like empathy, respect, resilience, and responsibility. Together, these intentions create a well-rounded educational experience that equips our students not only with academic knowledge but also with strong values and a deep sense of spirituality.
All pupils from EYFS to Year 6 work towards the EYFS Framework/National Curriculum 2016 objectives and study the following subjects:
- English: Read Write Inc. phonics scheme. VIPERS for reading. Writing scheme - Literacy Tree.
- Maths: Scheme of work - White Rose Maths
- Science: Scheme of work - Kapow.
- History: Scheme of work - Kapow.
- Geography: Scheme of work - Kapow.
- PE: Scheme of work – Get Set.
- PHSE: Scheme of work - Kapow.
- Music: Scheme of work – Kapow.
- Art: Scheme of work – Kapow.
- DT: Scheme of work – Kapow.
- Computing: Scheme of work - Teach Computing.
- MfL: National Curriculum 2016. In-house coverage French and Spanish.
- RE: Scheme of work – Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity.
For further information about what your child will be learning, please view our long term plans below.