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Baston C of E Primary School

Baston C of E Primary School

“Preparing the way…”



The PTA raise funds throughout the school year to enhance the children’s experience at school by engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which will support the school and advance the education of the pupils.

Some of our fundraising includes:

Tuck Shop and Cake Raffle

Held on a Friday during school first break – the children can choose a healthy snack provided by parents for 20p. The PTA always welcome new helpers and suppliers, if you which to be included please let the school office know and they will pass your details on.

A cake raffle is held once a month, 20p a raffle ticket max of 3 tickets per child drawn during collective worship.  The PTA ask for cake bakers at the start of the school year to fulfil the rota.


We try to hold a disco each half term if the calendar allows. The format for the discos is

Reception to Year 3 - 1745hrs to 1845hrs

Year 4 to Year 6 – 1900hrs to 2000hrs

A small entry fee is charged, and sweets and tattoos are available to purchase on the night, so a little pocket money is helpful in a named purse/wallet.

Movie Nights

We occasionally hold movie nights during the school year. These run straight from the end of school at 1515hrs through to around 1700hrs.  We make a small charge for the snack bag the children get and if a PG movie we request your permission on the form.

Summer and Christmas Fayres

These are both our biggest fundraisers throughout the school year.  We have lot of games, some even run by the children themselves. We do refreshments and there is always a tombola or two. We generally stock our tombolas by holding a dress down day and the children bring in an item or two in exchange.  During the Christmas Fayre the Grotto is set up for Father Christmas to come along and you can visit him.

Gift Stalls

This is where the children get to spoil the person they love by buying them a secret gift from our PTA shop or ‘Elfridges’ as we like to call the Christmas gift stall. We also hold the stalls not only at Christmas but at Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.  Gifts range from £2.00 to £5.00 the children come into the shop have a look around and buy what they fancy for you or a loved one.

Christmas Raffle

This is another good fundraiser for the PTA, we send a book of five tickets home, £1 a ticket for you to buy.  We also sell the tickets during the KS1 nativity and at our Christmas Fayre. We are always on the look out for great raffle prizes so if you know anyone or you have something or a gift voucher that can be donated it is always appreciated.

Bags 2 School

Twice a year – Autumn and Spring we hold a collection for Bags 2 School where items you might bag up for the charity shop we take, and they get weighed and recycled and we get funding from the company Bags 2 School.

In addition, you can help raise money by using some fundraising web sites that we have registered with. See the links below.

Easy Fundraising

Easy Fundraising provide a FREE fundraising service where you can raise funds for any charity, trust, school, club, good cause or community group you support when you shop online.

Choose from over 500 of the UK's best-known retailers including many popular names such as NEXT, Amazon, Debenhams, John Lewis and HMV, and when you shop using the links on their site up to 15% from every purchase you make is donated to Baston School PTA. Just click on the link above.

It doesn't cost a penny extra to shop and raise funds for our cause using their site, and as many retailers now give extra discounts when you buy online, you can even save money! START ALL YOUR ONLINE SHOPPING AT EASYFUNDRAISING FIRST!!!

Name Labels - Stikins

We are fundraising with a name label supplier who give us 25% commission for any orders that are generated from Baston School using the school ID 1442.  They sell stick on name labels simply stick in and stay in – with absolutely no sewing and no ironing needed!

Please use the link here to access their website: