Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium initiative was launched by central government in 2011. It is an additional monetary allocation to the main school budget. The Pupil Premium is intended to address current national underlying equalities between children who are currently, or who have been, eligible for Free School Meals (FSM and Ever6), Looked After Children (LAC), children whose parents are in the armed forces and their peers by ensuring that there is funding to reduce any disadvantages that these pupils may have.
It is up to schools to decide how the Pupil Premium Grant is spent and all schools are held to account in their responsibility to monitor the impact of this funding.
At Baston CE Primary School we know our children well. We track their academic progress carefully and accurately identify areas where each child may need further support to do well across the curriculum. We also focus on the ‘whole child’ and consider different aspects of support we can give, whether this be academic, emotional, sensory, spiritual, physical or behavioural.
The attachment contains the detailed information of how we spend the grant to enhance the learning of the pupils in this school.