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Baston C of E Primary School

Baston C of E Primary School

“Preparing the way…”

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2's class page

We are Europe class 2024-2025

Mrs Tyler (Class teacher)

Mrs Anthony (Teaching assistant)

Mrs Temple and Mrs Kidder (1:1 Teaching assistant) 

Mrs Oakley (PE teacher)

Mrs Young (Music teacher)

Year 2 classroom:


Each term we have a theme for our learning:

Autumn 1: Bear Homes and Beyond (DT driver)

Autumn 2: Creation and conservation (Science driver)

Spring 1: Bravery vs Fear (History driver)

Spring 2: Change and Relationships (PSHE driver)

Summer 1: Fictional World and Fantasy (Geography driver)

Summer 2: Engineering and Exploration (English driver)

Pictures from our DT lesson - Testing structures



Things to remember


Any day so please keep your book in your bag

Our reading homework aligns with the books we are reading in our RWI groups. Reading records should be filled in as a record of the reading which the children are completing at home.
The children will also have a Numbots login. This programme is to help them learn their maths.
The children will also have a login to EdShed. The is designed to help children learn their spellings each week. There will be a spelling test on a Friday.  

Wednesday and Thursday

Kit to include:
Shorts/Jogging bottoms
T-shirt/Polo shirt
Hat and Gloves for cold weather

Outdoor learning

Any day

Please make sure you have your willies and coat in school at all times

Library bus


Library bus book